Your mindset will determine your success, relationships and finances.
If you're struggling with overwhelm with what to do next, have no idea what your limiting beliefs may be, want to learn how to become mentally tougher AND better deal with adversity...this webinar is a place to learn powerful tools that will help you in both your professional and personal life.
8 Week Class - Creating A Strong Mindset
CREATING A STRONG MINDSET: Dr. Tahir & Tareque Farruk work with your specific business in an immersive, small group business course.
COURSE: One hour of teaching weekly in a small group setting, 24/7 access to private Facebook group with your cohort & 24/7 special email to answer your questions.
This course is for you if you find yourself:
✅ Comparing yourself to others
✅ Feeling jealous of others and their success
✅ Intentionally sabotaging self or others
✅ Feeling insecure in areas of your life
✅ Blaming others or self
Your Mindset Is The Most Important Thing In Your Professional & Personal Life… When it is not strong, it Affects Everything
NOW is the time to change these patterns that have been holding you back.